Wednesday, 18 July 2012


Theaterical effect in youtube.  It gives great feeling by seeing videos. Here is a link of cinetonic.

Open the link and make download of addon and save it as your toolbar and view videos through this

HOW TO SOLVE PROBLEM FACED WITH  OUR VIDEO PLAYERS LIKE  vlc, windows mediaplayer etc.,.........
Most of the people had a complaint that some videos are not playing.The reason why this problem occours is that every video is encoded by their respective codecs and formats.
Normally there must be all formats of codes  saved in our computer so that they will decode the respect video and get played. So download and install the K-CODEC this is a programe which has all types of codecs in it
Download this programe through the link given below . 

it has programmed by all codecs and all formats like avi, mp4 ,vob, ,,,,,...


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